Top Connecticut RN to BSN Programs

The responsibilities of nurses are rapidly expanding as a result of healthcare reform and the country's aging population. In order to adequately meet these expanding responsibilities, more nurses are going to have to possess BSN degrees. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) estimates that by 2020, 80% of nurses in the country will be expected to hold a BSN degree. Thus, forward-thinking nurses are headed back to school in droves to earn their BSN so that they can stay competitive in the job market, increase their earning potential, and enhance their future career prospects. To meet the growing demand for BSN-educated nurses, colleges and universities have made it easier than ever before for nurses to earn their BSN degrees. Today, RNs can earn their BSN degrees online in just one to two years. With so many RN to BSN programs available, however, finding the best one can be a time consuming and labor-intensive process. To make that process a little less painful for you, we've compiled a list of the top online RN to BSN programs in Connecticut.

How to Choose a Top RN to BSN Program in Connecticut

Deciding on an RN to BSN program to enroll in is a big decision that shouldn't be taken on a whim. We suggest you take the following into consideration before you ultimately decide on a program to attend:

  • Program's pass rate
  • Gainful employment data upon graduation
  • Cost of attendance
  • Student satisfaction rates
  • Acceptance rate
  • Class sizes
  • Program's retention rate
  • Internship opportunities, partnerships with local healthcare facilities
  • Accreditation
  • How long the program has been operational

Testing and Certification

Since graduates of ADN programs must pass the NCLEX-RN exam before they're licensed as an RN, they aren't required to take the exam again after completing an RN to BSN program.

List of Top RN to BSN Programs in Connecticut

1. Western Connecticut State University

Western Connecticut State University is a public university in Danbury, Connecticut that offers students a 30 semester credit hour RN to BSN program. Typically, students can complete the program in as little as two years. During that time, students will encounter areas of study such as Pharmacology, Pathophysiology, Physical Assessment Across a Lifespan, and more. All courses are completed in a hybrid online/in-person format.

Hospitals and healthcare centers in the area currently hiring RNs:

  • Danbury Hospital
  • Western Rehabilitation Center
  • Glen Hill Center


Students who enroll in Western Connecticut State University's RN to BSN program can expect to pay roughly $14,850 in tuition plus additional fees.

2. Southern Connecticut State University

Southern Connecticut State University is a public university in New Haven, Connecticut that offers students a 30 semester credit RN to BSN program that can be completed online. The program's coursework, which is delivered in an 8-week format, covers a wide variety of topics including Evidence-Based Nursing Practice, Promoting Health and Wellness Across the Lifespan, Informatics and Quality Improvement: Application to Nursing, and others. Typically, students can complete the program in two years.

Hospitals and healthcare centers in the area currently hiring RNs:

  • Yale New Haven Hospital
  • Smilow Cancer Hospital
  • Raphael's Hospital


In-state students who enroll in Southern Connecticut State University's RN to BSN program can expect to pay roughly $20,000 in tuition plus additional fees. Out-of-state students can expect to pay roughly $38,000 plus additional fees.

3. Goodwin College

Goodwin College is a private college in East Hartford, Connecticut that offers a 24 semester credit hour RN to BSN program that students can complete in 16 months of part-time study. GC's program is delivered to students in a hybrid online/in-person format and presents courses like Health Assessment, Clinical Nurse Leadership, and Public and Community Health Nursing. During the program, students will be given to opportunity to carry out medical missions abroad if they wish to do so.

Hospitals and healthcare centers in the area currently hiring RNs:

  • UConn Health
  • Hartford Hospital
  • Connecticut Children's Medical Center


Students who enroll in Goodwin College's RN to BSN program can expect to pay roughly $20,000 in tuition plus additional fees.