Top Alabama RN to BSN Programs

Often, RNs begin their healthcare careers by first earning an associate degree and becoming licensed. Increasingly, however, healthcare employers are requiring their RNs to have BSNs - especially in the case of advanced positions that require complex tasks or managerial responsibilities. Completing a BSN degree can boost a nurse's career prospects, increase their earning potential, and position nurses for graduate school down the road. Luckily, RN to BSN programs exist to help nurses advance their education. There are many RN to BSN programs available in the state of Alabama, which can make it difficult to select the best one. To help with that process, we've compiled a list of the top online RN to BSN programs in the state.

How to Choose a Top RN to BSN Program in Alabama

Choosing a top RN to BSN program is a big decision that you'll want to take seriously. While seeking out Alabama's top programs, take the following into consideration:

  • The program's retention data
  • Acceptance rates
  • Approximate cost to attend
  • Student satisfaction rate
  • Gainful employment data
  • The institution's accreditations, accolades, or awards
  • Local partnerships with healthcare facilities
  • Availability and ease of access to the program (i.e. number of campuses it's offered at, how many times it's offered each year, class size, etc.)

Testing and Certification

Because RNs have already completed an Associate's Degree in Nursing (ADN) and have passed the NCLEX-RN licensing exam, they aren't required to take the same exam again after finishing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree.

List of Top RN to BSN Programs in Alabama

1. Auburn University at Montgomery

Auburn University at Montgomery is a public university located in Montgomery that was established in 1967. The institution offers students a fully online or hybrid RN to BSN program called the Educational Advancement for Registered Nursing (EARN). Students enrolled full-time can complete the program in just three semesters while they continue to work. AUM admits students into its RN to BSN program three times each year. In total, the program consists of 30 semester credit hours and includes courses like Population-based Healthcare, Pathophysiology, Leadership Immersion, and more.

Hospitals and healthcare centers in the area currently hiring RNs:

  • Genesis Healthcare
  • Jackson Hospital
  • Baptist Medical Center South


Alabama residents can expect to pay around $9,420 for tuition, while out-of-state students will pay approximately $9,990.

2. Jacksonville State University

Jacksonville State University is a public university that was founded in 1833 in Jacksonville, Alabama. The institution offers students who have already completed an Associate's Degree in Nursing (ADN) an easily accessible, fully-online RN to BSN program that can be completed in just one year. The program is composed of 35 semester credit hours and encompasses courses like Pharmacology, Concepts of Emergency/Disaster Nursing, and others. Students can choose to study either full or part-time.

Hospitals and healthcare centers in the area currently hiring RNs:

  • Northeast Alabama Regional Medical Center
  • Encompass Health Corporation
  • Gadsden Regional Medical Center


Students coming from in-state can expect to pay approximately $11,340 for tuition, and out-of-state students will pay around $22,680.

3. University of North Alabama

University of North Alabama is a public, four-year university located in Florence, Alabama. As the oldest public institution of higher learning in the state, UNA offers students a 30 semester credit-hour program that students can complete in three semesters if they're enrolled full-time. The program can be completed entirely online so no on-campus visits are needed.

Hospitals and healthcare centers in the area currently hiring RNs:

  • North Alabama Medical Center
  • Encompass Health
  • Bradford Health Services


Approximately $15,750

4. University of Alabama

The University of Alabama is a public research institution located in Tuscaloosa that offers an online RN to BSN program that's composed of 25 semester credit-hours. While enrolled in the program, students will take courses like Community Health for RNs, Leadership and Management Roles for RNs, Nursing Informatics for RNs, and more. Students who are enrolled full-time can complete the program in three semesters, while those enrolled part-time can finish in six.

Hospitals and healthcare centers in the area currently hiring RNs:

  • University of Alabama Medical School
  • DCH Regional Medical Center
  • Tuscaloosa Veterans Affairs Medical Center


In-state students can expect to pay approximately $9,375; out-of-state students will pay around $25,625.

5. Spring Hill College

Spring Hill College is a private, Jesuit liberal arts college in Mobile, Alabama that was originally founded in 1830. SHC offers students a 25 semester credit-hour RN to BSN program that can be completed in three semesters if enrolled full-time. During the program, students will take courses like Evidence-Based Nursing, Leadership and Management, Population Focused Community Health, and more.

Hospitals and healthcare centers in the area currently hiring RNs:

  • USA Health University Hospital
  • Providence Hospital
  • Springhill Medical Center


Approximately $38,190 per year