How Much Does an LPN Program Cost?

Tuition Fee for an LPN Training

While choosing an LPN program, the main concern is the tuition fee. The first question that comes in the mind of the LPN program applicant is the cost of LPN program. The fees for the LPN school varies from one school to another. The fee charged depends on the geographical area and the state. Certain LPN schools charge a low price, i.e., $4000, as tuition fee, whereas it may go as high as $33,000 in other colleges. The another question arises, how much does LPN School Cost? In addition to the tuition cost, there are other expenses related to books, transport, boarding facility for hostlers, etc. On an average, the fee charged ranges from $7,000-$10,000. The LVN tuition cost is higher than the LPN as it required rigorous training. The high fees take a toll on the students who are not financially stable. The nursing School cost in California is slightly reasonable as the charges include all the mandatory compensations related to the coursework and utilities. However, several colleges offer scholarships or financial aid to reduce the overall burden on the students.

Cost of Hybrid and Refresher Courses

Hybrid Course - These programs offer the convenience of completing some subjects in a regular classroom while others can be pursued online such as gerontology, health promotion and assessment, physiology, anatomy, nutrition, and pharmacology. The community colleges charge about $90-$250 per credit for hybrid programs, depending on whether the students are in-state or out-of-state residents. Other expenses may include books, lab fees, uniform, and insurance. Depending on the school, the cost varies between $8,000-$15,000.

Refresher Course - These are the online courses meant to be practiced by the LPNs, who have remained out of practice for some years. To make a comeback, they must get a quick revision of the course. The course consists of web-based training and in-person clinical practicum. The web-based course covers the areas like adult health nursing, pharmacology, and contemporary medical-nursing surgery. The clinical component of the course is carried out in hospitals and health care settings. The cost may vary in the range between $1,000-1,500, depending on the type of school.

Other Costs Associated with LPN School and How to Save Money?

As mentioned above, the tuition fee is just the price of the classroom education. If you are looking to check some cheap LPN programs, then you must check the low cost LPN programs across different States. Besides this, there are many other costs that a student has to incur during the LPN course. You should check some popular low cost LPN programs in NYC. The list below will provide the aspirants with different expenses involved in the course.

1. Books

In addition to the expert faculty, books are also required for a deeper understanding of the subjects. The books cost $1000-$1500 on an average. However, several universities and colleges have their own bookstores, but they are much costly. It is best for the students to buy their own stuff. Before buying the books, the candidates should check online at Amazon or Ebay for attractive offers. The candidates can also take benefit from This website offers books and other academic materials on rent. When you shop for books, do note that the ISBN (a unique number assigned to each book) is of your interest. Moreover, the candidates should purchase the apt edition.

2. Stethoscope

This is an essential requirement for all those who look forward to making a career in nursing. The device helps make the correct assessment of the patients. The price should not overrule the quality of the medical device. Inferior quality stethoscope does not provide the sound clarity and many times, lead to wrong observation. The stethoscope of Littmann brand have good performance and are used by experts. The range of good stethoscope starts from $75, and it can go up to $150 or even more. The nurses should also buy a Stethosnap to get a good hold of the device.

3. Uniform and Nursing Supplies

Generally, LPN uniform consists of top, pant, and scrub. However, every school has a different uniform. In addition to the uniform, the candidates ought to have shoes that meet the school standards. The candidates are allowed to put on minimal makeup. Certain LPN schools provide the school uniform with their logo on it. The nurses should have their own pocket protector with bandage scissors, calculator, and pocket notepad. Certain schools require the students to wear a uniform every day for classes. In that case, you would need two pairs of clothing. Some colleges provide specific colored scrub to a particular type of nurse. The uniform may cost you $20 to several hundred dollars.

4. NCLEX-PN Testing

NCLEX-PN is a licensure exam to test the skills and knowledge accumulated during the program. It is mandatory for all the candidates to pass this test to obtain the license and start working in a professional front. An additional fee of $200 is charged for getting registered with the exam conducting agency along with the application fees that needs to be sent to the Board. The application fee may differ depending on the state. If the candidate does not clear the examination in first two attempts, s/he would have to register again by paying $200.

5. Fees

Apart from these basic fees, there are many other miscellaneous fees that need to be deposited. The students are charged for parking, technology, clinics, classes, cafeteria, etc.

Lost Wages for Attending LPN School

There are some students who need to manage work and study at the same time due to some or other reasons. Those students who are employed would have to leave the job in order to pursue the course. Full-time LPN programs have a hectic schedule and doing a job simultaneously is a tough row to hoe. Some students can not afford to quit the job. In unavoidable circumstances, the prospective LPNs can cut back on the working hours. The students who work part-time somehow manage to pay the LPN training cost. Even if s/he works part-time, s/he will get fewer wages for it. The students should strike a balance between work and studies in such a way that sufficient time is devoted to the nursing education.

Personal Costs of Pursuing the LPN Course

LPN schools can be tiring with back to back classes and clinic rotations. The students may not get proper sleep or appropriate rest due to tight schedules. The work pressure of studies may leave you completely exhausted with no time for family, friends, and outings. The candidates should take care of their health by taking a minimum of six hours of rest. You can go to a movie or hang out with friends once in a while, to refresh your mind.